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Free media planning tool

Sign up for free to transform your TV advertising strategy

With TV+ self-serve Planning Insights, brands gain TV advertising analytics into the TV behaviors of advanced audiences that go beyond basic age and gender and into affinity, lifestyle, ownership, and more. Evaluate campaign success, benchmark competitors, and identify new opportunities to reach untapped audience segments. Sign up for free to transform your TV advertising strategy. Measure, manage, and dominate the TV landscape! Choose the best one among media planning tools. Choose the best one among media planning tools.

TV advertising analytics

What TV+ Planning Insights offers

  • TV+ provides TV advertising analytics to tackle the industry's data gap, offering vital details on past campaigns and competitors. Brands often overspend due to insufficient competitor data or not knowing where to find specific target audiences. TV+ provides a media planning solution, offering strategic tailored for your business TV advertising insights to outpace competitors and reach potential customers. Sign up for control, unlock TV's potential, and gain a competitive edge. Get free access to these TV planning tools, insights, and reporting!

  • Know how different strategic audiences consume TV. Gain insights into viewing habits across demographics and platforms, enabling you to tailor campaigns to reach audiences where they are most engaged.
  • Compare competitor campaign reach to yours. Benchmark your performance against competitors to identify gaps and opportunities, ensuring your campaigns achieve maximum visibility.
  • Find TV networks with high unduplicated reach for your target audience. Target networks that minimize overlap and maximize unique impressions, making your ad spend more efficient and impactful.
  • Discover the most cost-efficient TV programs with high reach. Optimize budget allocation by focusing on programs that deliver the greatest audience reach for the lowest cost, improving ROI.
  • Compare cost-per-reach between your campaign and competitors. Improve the campaign's efficiency relative to competitors, allowing you to adjust strategies to stay competitive and drive better results.

    Get free access to these insights and reporting tools

    • Market InsightsAccess competitive TV insights

      Explore insights on competitive TV campaigns with TV+. Analyze such important metrics as - mutual reach, unreached audience, and cost efficiency. We are sure, that a numbers of potential customers can be reached with our media planning solutions.

      • What percentage of my strategic audience remains unexposed to both my and my competitor’s campaigns?
      • How much of the strategic audience did my competitor reach that I did not?
      • How much more efficiently am I reaching the strategic audience versus the competition? In other words, what’s my cost-per-reach compared to the competition?
    • Media ReportsRefine strategies for TV

      Delve into Media Reports for Linear TV, uncovering the core of your campaign's success. Discover new opportunities that might not be immediately apparent, but with detailed analysis, new opportunities can emerge
      With the Media Reports, you can :

      • Gauge your efficiency relative to competitors on linear TV.
      • Identify low-index linear programs providing substantial unduplicated reach.
      • Drill down into frequency and unduplicated reach by network for your advanced audience.

      Media Reports delivers precise data to take tangible action on your next media plan. For example, reallocate budget from networks and programs with high cost-per-reach and low levels of unduplicated reach into networks and programs with lower cost-per-reach and higher levels of unduplicated reach.

    • GuideGuide to Instant TV Competitive Intelligence

      Staying ahead of the competition is crucial in advertising. The Guide to Instant Competitive Intelligence for TV offers valuable insights and tools to help you analyze and optimize your TV campaigns effectively.

      Guide to Instant TV Competitive Intelligence

    Challenge your TV strategy

    • Delivering the widest and most cost-efficient reach, driving optimal outcomes, and seamlessly running turnkey campaigns across linear, CTV, and gaming platforms for diverse brands.

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